
We are optimizing route planning algorithms, investing in the latest eco-friendly technologies, and exploring alternative fuels to power our transportation

Sustainability at Skanlog

At Skanlog, we recognize that the transport and distribution industry plays a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable future.

As a Nordic international company operating in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland, we are committed to leading the way towards environmentally responsible logistics solutions the best we can.

Our commitment to sustainability
Sustainability is not just a buzzword at Skanlog – it's a fundamental aspect of our corporate ethos and has been since our foundation in 1994. We understand the urgent need to minimize our carbon footprint and mitigate the environmental impact of our operations. That's why we have embedded sustainability into our daily work, with a focus on innovation, efficiency, and responsibility.

Driving towards a greener future
As a responsible company in the transport and distribution industry, we are constantly exploring new ways to reduce emissions and promote sustainable practices. Through continuous industry research and development, we are optimizing route planning algorithms, investing in the latest eco-friendly technologies, and exploring alternative fuels to power our transportation. By prioritizing efficiency and sustainability, we aim to lead by example and inspire positive change across the transport and distribution industry.

Empowering change through collaboration
At Skanlog, we firmly believe that collaboration is essential for driving meaningful change. That's why we actively engage with partners, suppliers, and industry stakeholders to identify and implement sustainable solutions. By sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices, we can amplify our impact and accelerate progress towards a more sustainable future. Together, we can achieve far more than any one company could alone.

Our path to transparency: ESG reporting
Transparency is a cornerstone of our sustainability efforts at Skanlog. While we do not currently have an ESG report, we are committed to enhancing transparency and accountability in our operations. In 2025, we will conduct our first ESG report to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of our environmental, social, and governance initiatives. This report will not only showcase our progress towards sustainability goals but also serve as a roadmap for future action and improvement.

Join or work with us on the journey

Sustainability is not just a destination – it's a journey and work that requires continuous innovation, collaboration, and dedication

At Skanlog, we are proud to be a part of this journey, working with green solutions and driving positive change in the transport and distribution industry. Join or work with us on this journey towards a greener, more sustainable future. Together, we can make a real difference for our planet and future generations.

Contact us
Ready to join or work with us on the path to sustainability or interested in learning more about our initiatives? Contact our sales team today to start the conversation and explore how we can work together to create a brighter, more sustainable future.